Tag: wicca


It will soon be mid winter “down under” Yule MISCONCEPTIONS I realize some people still equate witches with evil people who sacrifice animals. Not us! This is the first page of  my Book of Shadows started in 1983 “Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfil… Continue Reading “WICCA”


AS OF THE 19TH MAY AMAZON WILL BE PRINTINGING IN AUSTRALIA SO THE POSTAGE FOR US WILL BE LESS In the following book I hope to help those who wish to develop their clairvoyant abilities. In “The Clairvoyant Experiences Of A Sceptic” I told… Continue Reading “THREE BOOKS”


AS OF THE 19TH MAY AMAZON WILL BE PRINTINGING IN AUSTRALIA SO THE POSTAGE FOR US WILL BE LESS In the following book I hope to help those who wish to develop their clairvoyant abilities. In “The Clairvoyant Experiences Of A Sceptic” I told… Continue Reading “THREE BOOKS”


It is Samhain/Halloween here in OZ The sabbats are seasonal: so in the southern hemisphere it is Samhain/Halloween In the northern hemisphere it is May Day/Beltane. Beltane was a fertility festival where the villages would come together: This way “in- breeding” – in the… Continue Reading “HALLOWEEN/MAY DAY”


MISCONCEPTIONS I realize some people still equate witches with evil people who sacrifice animals. Not us! This is the first page of  my Book of Shadows started in 1983 “Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfil An it harm NONE Do what thou will” The… Continue Reading “WICCA”


Walking this morning I saw someone poisoning weeds. I stopped and chatted for a while (and didn’t preach my “don’t use poisons”). Now the neighbour is chain sawing small bushes. I understand why people poison weeds and cut down trees – they are making… Continue Reading “CULTURAL NORMS”


The Church of Rome adopted all the pagan festivals because the people wouldn’t give them up. Christmas was midwinter: Yule: Easter, spring equinox. A sabbat dedicated to the goddess Eostar. Every church festival was originally a pagan festival. The Wheel of the Year from… Continue Reading “EASTER WAS A PAGAN FERTILITY FESTIVAL”


From “on line” Dictionary –magic   “/ˈmadʒɪk/Submit noun 1. the power of apparently influencing events by using mysterious or supernatural forces. “suddenly, as if by magic, the doors start to open” ****************** The first page of my Book of Shadows which was started in… Continue Reading “Magic”


MISCONCEPTIONS I realize some people still equate witches with evil people who sacrifice animals. Not us! This is the first page of  my Book of Shadows started in 1983 “Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfil An it harm NONE Do what thou will” The… Continue Reading “WICCA”


It is Beltane here in OZ The sabbats are seasonal: so in the southern hemisphere it is Beltane (MayDay) In the northern hemisphere it is Samhain (Halloween) Beltane was a fertility festival where the villages would come together: This way “in- breeding” – in… Continue Reading “HALLOWEEN/MAY DAY”