Month: June 2023


CREATIVE CONSCIOUSNESS MEDITATION I recorded Creative Consciousness meditation earlier this century at the request of a psychic development group that I was running at the time. TREE MEDITATION paraphrased from Mother Wit by Diane Mariechild —- it is a great book if you can… Continue Reading “Four AUDIO MEDITATIONS”


Previously entitled life after death I have recently been made aware of clairvoyants that use divination for readings (and are very good at this) but they are unable to communicate with those who have passed over and don’t believe it possible to communicate with… Continue Reading “NO LONGER IN LINEAR TIME”


YOU ARE PROBABLY AN ORIGINAL THINKER I was motivated to reblog this after being reminded that most people treat and label others by the way they look –this includes doctors and other professionals People who are overweight have a speech impediment disfigurement disability  or… Continue Reading “IF YOU ARE A MISFIT”


I have recently been made aware of clairvoyants that use divination for readings (and are very good at this) but they are unable to communicate with those who have passed over and don’t believe it possible to communicate with those who have died or… Continue Reading “LIFE AFTER DEATH”


THIS FOR ALL THE PTSD SUFFERERS WHO ARE TIRED OF BEING TOLD: “GET OVER IT” “FACE YOUR FEARS” “YOU ARE OVER REACTING” “THERE’S NO NEED TO REACT THIS WAY” and more People don’t realize that our flight and flight response is dysfunctional and if… Continue Reading “FIGHT AND FLIGHT RESPONSE”

“The Medium is the Massage” with apologies to Marshall McLuchan.

This blog isn’t about the book, although it was required reading when I was a teachers college in the nineteen seventies. I actually chose it because I just couldn’t think of an appropriate title for this blog. I have avoided reading or watching the… Continue Reading ““The Medium is the Massage” with apologies to Marshall McLuchan.”

Thank God I am an Atheist: Pun Intended

I have used this title a few times the first was 2014 then 2016 and again when the high court over turned George Pell’s conviction.   today it is because i was reminded of Robert Heinlein  sci fi Jobe Several of my friends have… Continue Reading “Thank God I am an Atheist: Pun Intended”


This is from  a meditation group that I attended in 1980 – the man running the group played the tape and I was able to get a copy Unfortunately I no longer have this tape so cannot credit the lady who first recorded it… Continue Reading “THANKING OUR BODY”


I was motivated to re blog this post by an ad about giving blood I am O negative And I was constantly called in to give blood They acted as if had no right  to refuse There are excellent doctors and nurses but generally… Continue Reading “WESTERN MEDICINE”


It is decades since I read Robert Heinlein’s “STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND” This isn’t a critique on the novel — I just wanted to use the title I spent an half century wishing I fitted in to our culture but in my old… Continue Reading “STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND”