It is my hope that life and the ecology survives and heals

As I have already passed my three score years ten it is my wish that humans come to their senses and respect other life forms

 humans are way over plague proportions

 this and the Protestant Ethic  is causing so much damage

I was in animal liberation and the original  Greenpeace in the 1970s

These organisations have sadly become impotent bureaucracies

A friend was telling me yesterday that the local farmers habitually kill pure bred red heeler puppies by hitting them on the head

Which is cruel and thoughtless

It infuriates me that humans don’t respect other life forms

Wiser and well known people have  advocated for other life forms and the ecology long before me.

Peter Singer

Albert Schweitzer

John Newton  (wrote Amazing Grace)

Irving Stowe and Dorothy Stowe, (founders of GreenPeace)

Casey Affleck

Alec Baldwin

James Cromwell

David Attenborough

And many many more

And there were movies

“The Day the Earth Stood Still” (re make)

And “Avatar’

“Let them eat cake”

a famous quote attributed to Marie-Antoinette, the queen of France during the French Revolution. As the story goes, it was the queen’s response upon being told that her starving peasant subjects had no bread.

Most people have this attitude and response to starving wild life.


I am often told

“don’t feed the birds they have to find their own food”

People don’t realize that humans in western culture have destroyed the homes and food sources of all other life forms.

Our norms and attitudes are causing the extinction of all life.

In our culture we don’t share with one another; never mind other life forms.

Karl Marx who advocated sharing – communism – is seen as evil.

And please know China and other so called communist countries have “state capitalism” not communism.

(I wrote a paper on Karl Marx when I majored in sociology)

Some one told me not to go on about the ecology because there is nothing that they can do:

but they and you can:

Do what you can in the microcosm

Feed the birds even if your neighbours abuse you because they don’t want the noise and the poop.

Don’t chop down trees

Trees don’t light fires

humans do

Makes more sense to get rid of arsonists rather than trees

Google eco friendly homes and gardens for ideas:

Don’t use poisons:

Try your best to adhere to ahimsa

Don’t kill insects and mice etc

taken by me on Kangaroo Island in 1980s

Enjoy your day


I wrote and published this sci fi short story a few years ago (under the above title) when the human population was only 7.4 billion:

(1st published 4th April 2017)

It is now more than 8 billion

I wrote this short story as social satire and sympathetic magic

The idea that we were genetically engineered is from Mayan writings plus my belief that humans are not indigenous to the planet

The concept of translocation was once a practice pre Roman Empire and apparently still is in some so called primitive cultures

The idea that humans were livestock for the gods is mine but am sure others have thought this

I chose Ophiuchus because I was I was drawn to this constellation

I chose Kunapipi because I respect and admire the wisdom and spirituality of indigenous Australian