
alan full moon
Photos Solstice

Three of these photos were taken with a non digital camera at a full moon ritual at Encounter Bay at the beginning of this century.

The night the pictures were taken there was complete cloud cover so there was no moon light filtering through.

I was just clicking the camera to use up the film.

When I initially got the photos back I thought there was a camera fault. – Apparently not.

The interesting thing is that we do a spiral dance as part of the full moon ritual and there is a spiral in the photos.

The other photo is of my grandson: Taken a few years ago.

matt with matt

I have entitled this “Angels question mark” because I see angels as white light.

The photo with the sphere seems to be a common occurrence. Other people have shown me similar.

Re the photos taken at the full moon ritual  I sent them to Janet Farrar; wife of the late Stewart Farrar; and her partner replied saying that they had similar.

Off on a tangent here– In the 1980’s I filled out a questionnaire for one of Stewart Farrar’s books entitled “The Life and Times of a Modern Day Witch”  I loaned my copy of this and as often happened with loaned books, it was never returned. Suffice to say I no longer lend books. I found a copy on Ebay only to be informed that the copy was too damaged and had gone to recycling. —-money not refunded

 In the following book I hope to help those who wish to develop their clairvoyant abilities.

In “The Clairvoyant Experiences Of A Sceptic” I told a few of my clairvoyant experiences.

Listening to others similar stories made me realize that

it is so much better if you can have these experiences first hand.

Kung fu tz  (Confucius) say “Perseverance prospers”

So don’t give up – you will succeed

And use the recorded meditations in my blog

The clairvoyant Experiences of a Sceptic is not a literary masterpiece

but a true story. I majored in sociology not literature

I dont know the meaning of life:

nor understand the nature of reality:

I do know physical death is not the end.

And there are so many amazing stories omitted so as not to break client confidentiality.

The second part I wrote as therapy and had not intended to include.

It wasn’t included in the original l publication

( I started shaking when I tried to write about the abuse so it is badly written and a great deal omitted)


I wrote and published this sci fi short story a few years ago (under the above title) when the human population was only 7.4 billion:

(1st published 4th April 2017)

It is now  8 billion.

Our cultural norms and the Protestant Ethic are causing the extinction of all life.

I wrote this as social satire and sympathetic magic

I realize my writing style doesn’t fit what people expect

My excuse –I majored in sociology not literature 😛

I wanted to put my idea that humans are not indigenous to the planet

A few lines  from this short story:

“Most humans think that those who live in harmony with the environment are primitive and inferior. Actually they don’t think.

They just mindlessly conform to what those in power and their entertainment media tell them.

 They are really stupid but consider themselves superior to all other life forms because they talk:

They think if something or someone doesn’t talk they don’t understand.

They thoughtlessly destroy everything. They call some creatures vermin, when humans are the vermin. They kill insects and destroy all the trees despite the fact that insects and trees are essential.

And everything literally goes down the drain polluting the oceans instead of nourishing other life.”