I HAVE BEEN REPOSTING OLD POSTS OF LATE BECAUSE CHRONIC PAIN AND SLEEP DEPRIVATION AFFECT MY CONCENTRATION —suffice to say i am not doing readings except for the occassional freebie for friends

I have several friends who don’t believe in clairvoyance or surviving death

On the rare occasions I mention a clairvoyant experience that amazed me they just look at me with disdain or make some comment implying that I am either making it up or delusional

Although I dislike being “called” a liar (honesty is important to me)

these are true friends                    

 I don’t need them to believe me – I know it to be true

 so I tolerate their attitude.

People tend to believe that a belief in God and heaven is necessary for a belief in an “afterlife”

Surviving death isn’t synonymous with a religious belief.

We do not understand the nature of reality.

(or at least I don’t)

It appears we exist in an alternate reality when we are “not here”! In this reality the electrons are apparently moving at a different speed around the protons and neutrons so it is out of phase. ( This is my very limited understanding of quantum physics)

Another misconception is that people have to be “earth bound” to communicate with the living:


I asked “clairvoyantly” about “the meaning of life” which strangely enough isn’t 42 (Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy)

The answer I got was more a concept than words but translated:

I was asked if I could conceptualize NO LINEAR TIME and when I said “No” I was told that “they” couldn’t explain.

We may all be in a huge holodeck:

As suggested by Star Trek Next Generation —

And  “What The Bleep”

“Ship In A Bottle” season six — Star Trek Next Geneeration

In the “special features” of What the “Bleep” they mention that Professor WilliamTiller gives the mathematical constructs of a hologram that we “are” living in.

(William A. Tiller is a professor emeritus of materials science and engineering at Stanford University)

Until the following I suspected clairvoyance was wishful thinking and vivid imagination

The incident that convinced me that clairvoyance was a reality happened at work. I was a student nurse at Strathmont Centre.  I was washing dishes with a male staff nurse. We didn’t have kitchen hands in those days.  Kym was six feet tall and rather heavy set and had long blonde hair. A man (deceased) flashed in (when I see or hear things they flash in a fraction of a second) He had Kym’s high forehead and similar features but wore a suit with a crepe ribbon and a cross and had a short back and sides haircut and dark hair.

I asked Kym if his father was a minister. He asked me why and initially I would not answer. I eventually told him what I saw and Kym told me that it was his uncle. He asked me what denomination his uncle was.

I did not know.

After Kym left the kitchen I asked his uncle, whom I could no longer “see”, what he had died of.  The words were that fast all I could make out was sclerosis. Because we were with the intellectually disabled I thought “tubular sclerosis?” Then I realized it was multiple sclerosis.

 When we were having a tea break Kym told me that his uncle died of multiple sclerosis. I was amazed and said that his uncle had “told” me this!

Kym said “Get more”! I informed him that I couldn’t.

But I saw panama hats and monkeys. I said “He was a missionary in South America” Kym said “Yes”. I then saw masks and a jungle and said he was also a missionary in New Guinea. Kym told me this wasn’t so.  When Kym came to work the next day, he said that his mother had confirmed that her brother was a missionary in New Guinea. This showed that I wasn’t just reading Kim’s mind.


I love the meaning of this word

The quote is from One of the most common translations of namasté is “The divine light in me bows to the divine light within you.”

In the following book I hope to help those who wish to develop their clairvoyant abilities.

In “The Clairvoyant Experiences Of A Sceptic” I told a few of my clairvoyant experiences.

Listening to others similar stories made me realize that

it is so much better if you can have these experiences first hand.

Kung fu tz say (Confucius) say “Perseverance prospers”

So don’t give up – you will succeed

And use the recorded meditations in my blog

The clairvoyant Experiences of a Sceptic is not a literary masterpiece

but a true story. I majored in sociology not literature

I dont know the meaning of life:

nor understand the nature of reality:

I do know physical death is not the end.

And there are so many amazing stories omitted so as not to break client confidentiality.

The second part I wrote as therapy and had not intended to include.

It wasn’t included in the original l publication

( I started shaking when I tried to write about the abuse so it is badly written and a great deal omitted)


I wrote and published this sci fi short story a few years ago (under the above title) when the human population was only 7.4 billion:

(1st published 4th April 2017)

It is now  8 billion.

Our cultural norms and the Protestant Ethic are causing the extinction of all life.

I wrote this as social satire and sympathetic magic

I realize my writing style doesn’t fit what people expect

My excuse –I majored in sociology not literature 😛

I wanted to put my idea that humans are not indigenous to the planet

A few lines  from this short story:

“Most humans think that those who live in harmony with the environment are primitive and inferior. Actually they don’t think.

They just mindlessly conform to what those in power and their entertainment media tell them.

 They are really stupid but consider themselves superior to all other life forms because they talk:

They think if something or someone doesn’t talk they don’t understand.

They thoughtlessly destroy everything. They call some creatures vermin, when humans are the vermin. They kill insects and destroy all the trees despite the fact that insects and trees are essential.

And everything literally goes down the drain polluting the oceans instead of nourishing other life.”

In the real world I am becoming more optimistic as there are so many thinking caring people

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