I Like Sceptics


.sceptic noun

a person inclined to question or doubt accepted opinions.

synonyms:cynic,doubter, questioner, scoffer



a person who believes that people are motivated purely by self-interest rather than acting for honourable or unselfish reasons.

I like sceptics but not cynics: Cynics are as fascist about their opinion as a religious person is about theirs.

More than forty years ago I was a sceptic. I have had experiences that have convinced me of the validity of surviving death

I have written blogs about when I first started developing my clairvoyance and how I was determined not to believe anything that wasn’t proven to me. “To thine own self be true” etc.


I much prefer people who don’t make clairvoyant messages “fit”.

I started consciously “seeing” ‘dead’ people etc in the seventies and we were most definitely the lunatic fringe back then: along with people that cared about…

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